Backscatter Authorized Photo center

Our Backscatter Certified Photo Pro runs a complimentary underwater imaging workshop on every departure day.
Come in, learn or sharpen your technique, set up your gear with a complimentary gear review to make sure everything is in good working order. We are well stocked with spare parts, rental gear, trips savers for those forgotten items, and service center for gear needing in-house repair. We’ll transfer your already assembled camera system and dive gear directly to the boat—no need to repack!
Don’t forget to ask about renting a GoPro or Olympus TG-6 camera system for your trip.
Techniques taught include:
• Focusing techniques
• Manual exposure techniques
• Strobe positioning
• Video shooting techniques
• Dialing in your compositions
• Adobe Lightroom best practices and editing
• Video editing in Adobe Premiere
About Backscatter
Backscatter is without a doubt, the most recognized name in underwater photography. See Creatures is proud to be the only Backscatter authorized photo center in Cabo San Lucas. In fact, we’re one of only three authorized Backscatter photo centers in the world!