Divers like to be neutrally buoyant so they neither sink nor float. This allows you to be more efficient in the water, more comfortable, and can lead to better air consumption.
Advanced Adventurer
The SSI Advanced adventurer course will immerse you in new skills while helping divers to build confidence and gain experience.
Night & Limited Visibility Specialty
In the Night & Limited Visibility Specialty you will learn how to communicate at night, to navigate at night, and Identify changes in animal behaviors
Navigation Specialty
In the SSI Navigation Specialty, learn the techniques of how to navigate under water by compass and by natural navigation.
Deep Diving Specialty
Unlock new depths of the ocean…. literally. The allure of the deep is real and in some cases a wreck lies in the deep or a school hammerheads swim below.
Refresh Course
For certified divers who have not dove recently or to tune up your scuba skills. After a review of your skills, we practice in shallow water and then continue with the open water fun dive.